Important Contact Information
Port Santorini HOA Board of Directors :
All communications ( including illnesses and bereavements) and requests may be sent to the above listed email or via letter to:
P.O. BOX 1235
Seneca, SC 29679-1235
Ambulance & Fire Emergency: 911
Burn Notification for Yard Debris: (800) 705-8618
County Road Department: (864) 886-1072
Call for Dead or downed trees within the Right of Way. This includes trees within 25 feet from the center of the road.
County Sheriff Office: (864) 638-4111
After hours, call this number in a NON-Emergency and they will send the firetruck. (i.e. Trees down that block your egress from your home or the neighborhood.)
Department of Natural Resources: (864) 638-2213
Duke Power: (800) 769-3766
Duke Power: (800) 452-2777
This number is for street light outages
Oconee Memorial Hospital: (864) 482-3100
(864) 882-3351
Poison Control Center: 1-800-922-1117 (24 hours)
Seneca Light & Water: (864) 885-2723 day or night
Report Outdoor Pipe Leaks
Seneca Police: (864) 885-2718 (Note, Port Santorini is serviced by Oconee County, we are outside of Seneca city limits, this is FYI only)
Solid Waste/Recycling: (864) 888-1440
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