Port Santorini Homeowners Association


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If you use the printable form please return it to Linda Lee, Firewise Chairman, 303 Delphi Dr.  You may leave your forms in the box on her side porch if not home.


The Port Santorini Association has been a member of Firewise USA® since 2015.

What Is Firewise?

Firewise is a framework for Port Santorini Association and its residents to reduce fire risks to the neighborhood, increase the likelihood of your home surviving a wildfire and make the area safer for firefighters should a wildfire occur. 

How Does Firewise Work?

Each year Port Santorini submits a grant to South Carolina that estimates the dollar value of approved Firewise activities that we will undertake as an Association.  If the state accepts our estimate, an account is established and I, as Firewise coordinator, submit documentation that I receive from PSA that describes the work that has been performed in all common areas.  The state then reimburses Port Santorini for the value of the work that we have performed up to the value of the initial approved grant.  Each year a new request must be submitted.  The Association uses Firewise funds to perform necessary work that we would otherwise have to pay for out of pocket.  This helps keep our Association fees low, and keeps fire fuel down.

How Does In-Kind Credit Work?

To receive reimbursment for the total value of our grant to the state, Port Santorini Association or our residents must submit, over the course of the year, a total value of approved activities that is two times our grant request from the state.  Some of the costs associated with activities are covered by work performed by the Association.  Other in-kind work that you may perform around your home is credited to our grant at a rate of $25.43 per hour per person.

What Kind of Work Can Be Performed Around My Home For In-Kind Credit?

A surprisingly wide variety of outdoor maintenance activities that you would normally perform around your home are credit worthy.  Removing debris from your roof, gutters, and within 30 feet of your foundation.  Also placing gravel under porches and decks, removing lower tree branches, some types of tool rental, clearing debris from deck board gaps and many, many others. This list also includes contracted work for maintenance and tree removal.

You can find a comprehensive list of credit worthy work on the Port Santorini website under the Firewise menu.  Click the link and check the list whenever you perform routine outdoor maintenance activities around your home to see if they are considered as in-kind work. Then complete the Firewise recording sheet linked below.

What Do You Have To Do To Document Work?

Print out and complete the Firewise activities recording sheet from the Port Santorini website. Attach any incurred costs by contractors (examples: quotes and invoices). Sign and deliver it to my home. 

Or save yourself a trip and fill out the electronic version of the recording sheet from the website and submit it automatically.  Incurred cost documentation can be scanned and sent to lcadl44@gmail.com

I’ll take care of the rest.


If possible please take pictures of before and after a job is done and email them to: lcadl44@gmail.com


There are folders available to residents with further information on making your home safe, and a Firewise recording sheet.   If you would like to receive a folder or get more information please contact:   lcadl44@gmail.com

Folders will be available at the Annual Meeting, which will be held the third Saturday of May each year.


The Red Flag Alert Program

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The Red Flag Fire Alert Program serves as a warning that wildfire danger is increasing.  PSA is a Participating member with the Forestry Commission.  Under terms of the agreement, the Forestry Commission will notify chairman of Firewise immediately when an alert is activated.  We will place a Red Flag at the entrance.  PSA agrees to fly the flag prominently and take it down as soon as the alert is over.  A "Red Flag Fire Alert" means conditions are favorable for a fire escaping easily and spreading rapidly.  All outdoor burning is strongly discouraged. 

Red Flag Warning: (National Weather Service)Cautionary statement issued by the National Weather Service when conditions are favorable for the rapid spread of wildfire
Governor’s Burning Ban: As the name implies, issued by the governor’s office with input from the Forestry Commission and various firefighting agencies. Recall that Statewide burning was prohibited in the 2016 summer.  

Hopefully, these definitions will help eliminate some of the confusion that will result when things heat up this season. Before tackling any outdoor burning call the Public Information Office at (803) 896-8820 for clarification.